A Standing Ovation

Stars glisten the sky over concrete Rose, where Mei Deng is seen stretching his limbs. "Yes! I finally finished, and just in time too." He excitedly exclaimed, staring at his completed model.

Content, he retired inside with his model. After setting it on the table, he goes to observe the patients, who had been coughing non-stop.

"What?" His eyes dwindle in disbelief, in a crouched position, Mei Deng noticed the same swellings at the side of their necks, and splatters of blood which decorated all around them.

He gasped, "it's exactly as old master Chan." His mind immediately went to his mother who had needle marks at the side of her neck as well.

Massaging his temples, he let out a bitter sigh, "at this point, I can't make a cure, not without proper testing and diagnosis. The disease is spreading too fast, there are only two choices now." His stare hardened.