How Many Uncles Will You chase After

The scholars all looked away, too faint hearted to check the result. The father was quick to cover his daughter's eyes, and look away himself.

"Ah! AAAAAAH!" The uncle cried out in a panic, falling to his knees!

Mei Deng froze where he stood, all he heard from behind him was a sharp slice. He swiftly looked over his shoulder, expecting to see blood splattered across the cart.

"When will you stop crying? Was I perhaps too lenient with my blade?" Wang Tengfei asked while neatly tucking his clean blade back into it's holster.

Mei Deng felt relieved when he realized Wang Tengfei was only messing with him, and it seemed to have work. Content, he carefully alighted the cart, to where Chan Zian was waiting for him.

"This way!"

Chan Zian led him to a rather lavish carriage, a woman in white and red robes stood beside the carriage, she looked no older than thirty. The expensive bangles used to style her hair were an indicator that she was not poor.