Have It Inspected Emperor!

After hearing about Wang Tengfei getting called to court, Yu Xiaoguang decided to go to the prison house and visit Chunhua.

"What do you mean by I don't have any access?" Yu Xiaoguang asked aloud, almost yelling at the officials for denying him the right to see his handmaid.

"If you don't leave now, I'll have you thrown into a prison as well." The warden scolded, pointing rudely at Mei Deng.

The minister's son scoffed and rolled his eyes, 'this is ridiculous! How could they think Huahua would kidnap my mother?!' he shook his head.

"I think I should head back to concrete Rose for now." He voiced out his thoughts walking away from the warden, through the many cells at each sides.

He casually tilted his head to the side, to see an unknown woman who had her back against the bar and her eyes lifted to the ceiling of her cell. Unlike the other prisoners, she didn't once turn to look at him, or pay her surroundings any heed.