Mei Deng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he woke up and started recalling his confession from last night. The young doctor buried his face in his palms, squirming on the bed, heavily embarrassed.
"Why did I even cry?! What must he think of me now?" He squirmed, "Even if I change my name and everything...." Yu Xiaoguang was saying, until he heard a groan from beside he.
He froze up.
It hadn't occured to him that he was no longer sleeping alone, he turned to steal a glance at the general, only to see him wide awake, staring at him back.
"Aaah!" Yu Xiaoguang cried out, almost falling out of the bed. Fortunately, the general was swift to pull him by the hand, helping to restore his centre of balance.
"Thanks a..." His sentence was cut short when he realized that Wang Tengfei was still holding his hand. He averted his eyes towards the ceiling, noticing that most of it had been fixed.