What Is The Relationship Between These Two Women

The situation turned into a mess when the poison was discovered, but turned into a bigger problem when the physician attempted to take to his heels.

He was rather unfortunate, to have been caught out in the Wang residence. Hardly had he taken two steps, than four soldiers gathered around him, apprehending him flawlessly.

Mei Deng and Shaojie exchanged glances with each other, as the physician was brought to his knees. The consort was escorted to a far corner of the room, away from the scene, but close enough for observation.

"I asked you a simple question but you're running away? Don't you think that places some doubt?" Yu Xiaoguang asked not expecting a response.

The physician hissed at him, "Who the hell are you to act so cheeky?"

Before Mei Deng could answer, the General's voice from the apex of the stairs, nearly sent the physician into cardiac arrest.