Can't Even Look Him In The Eye

After Da-Xia had fallen asleep, Mei Deng continued to pack their things, which in truth were not very much. Then, he marched down to the stables where his Ox was being held.

"Did they treat you well?" Yu Xiaoguang rubbed the animal's head, grateful that it was the Wang soldiers and not the tax agents that seized his animal.

"It's been treated better than any other Ox in the capital."

Mei Deng pensively looked over his shoulder to see Wang Tengfei, in a pair of white sleeping shirt and trousers, holding a wooden bucket of water.

"Why are you here?" Yu Xiaoguang asked, making an approach to take the bucket off his hands. The general ignored him and proceeded to pour the Ox something to drink.

After he finished, he turned to Mei Deng and asked, "You're leaving tomorrow, aren't you?"

Looking away he replied, "At the break of dawn preferably."

"I'll have my forces mobilized then." Wang Tengfei replied as he turned to leave, only for Mei Deng to grab him by the wrist.