Is There Something Valuable To You?

The very people they spoke about sat in their respective carriages, outside the Ministry of Justice building.

"This must be the first time I've been here before." Minister of finance, Zhào Susu exclaimed, peering out of his carriage to look at his cohort.

Shao Yŭxuān folded his arms, "I couldn't be bothered with where we meet, what I want to know, is why that Minister Yong sought after me."

"Of course I'd like to know it too, but why worry?" Zhao Susu retorted, showcasing his carefree nature. Which was a sharp contrast to the rigid Minister of Revenue, who was easily bothered over slight mishaps.

No sooner had he said that, than some officials came to welcome the Ministers, who sat like helpless babies, waiting to be carried.

They led both men through the hallway, carrying the boxes of scrolls each had brought with him.