The Bastard Is Trying To Bury Us Alive

Fast forwarding to the present, Mei Deng could not help but feel that the other man was looking at him at every interval he got.

When it became too much, he sharply turned to him, "Liú Yong, was it?" Yu Xiaoguang inquired, catching the other man's stare.

He straightened his back and cleared his throat, "Yes, did you need something?"

Mei Deng scratched the side of his neck, 'How about you stop staring at my face? Does he have a problem with me too? I'm sure we've never met before, or is he someone I can't remember. Aish. What a mess!' he shook his head, squirming in his head.

"I just wanted to ask why you offered to take me to the general, for all you know I'm just a servant." He said, striking up conversation.

"Oh, no particular reason, I just wanted to get close to you." Liú Yong said, only to cover his mouth with both palms.

"Ahh, he's that type." Yu Xiaoguang muttered to himself, astounded by Liú Yong's level of honesty.