What Is Wrong With Me?

The moonlight shone brightly on the couple hiding behind the tree, particularly on the flushed face of Mei Deng.


The general withdrew and kept his hands by his sides, he made a motion to turn to leave, but suddenly halted.

"Yu Xiaoguang, I'm a man, and I have my needs too, don't think that for a second I'll tolerate you with others." The general said, before taking his leave.

Mei Deng watched the general walk away, his words resounded in his head, he sat on the ground, with his back against the tree, and his face in his palms.

"What is wrong with me?" He whispered into the night, in a voice that suggested his resolve was wavering.

After travelling for three days, the procession arrived at Ǒuyù village, where Tingting was meant to part and continue on to Jade Fountain sect.

In that sense, Dou Wei chose to follow her and lieutenant Shen, since it aligned with her interests. Whereas, Mei Deng and Da-Xia would continue on their own.