Just Don't Hit Him Anymore

The tension in the room rose, as the general kept on counting down the seconds, while Lian's thoughts scattered across the room, as she watched her son split the chicken in two.

Ruolan was the most uneasy one in the room, mainly because she recalled what Ju had told her about a specific plant.

'If I remember clearly, it was a purple plant with yellow leaves. Ju mentioned that the plant excreted a toxic liquid from being squeezed, which was used to torture criminals. It was infamous for giving it's victims, dry, scaly and rough skin, just like a fish.' Ruolan commented, catching up on her conversation with Ju.

'If that's the case, we need to administer the cure to him within the next two minutes, before the disease spreads. But, how do I tell him that?'

"Here, eat this!" The older brother announced, passing some chicken to his sister. She smiled happily and tossed it in her mouth, not sparing a single second.