The festival was painted red with bright lanterns and colourful robes dancing with the wind.
"It's surprisingly windy tonight." Yu Xiaoguang remarked, shielding his eyes with his inner elbow, fighting back the sand that almost flew in his eye.
"Bàba, what about the kites? When are we going to fly them? See, everyone else is getting ready." Da-Xia tugged on his sleeve, pointing animatedly at the people on various rooftops, getting ready to fly their kites.
Mei Deng crouched down and took her hands in his, "Sorry, but Bàba didn't have time to finish the kite." He told her with a disappointed look on his face.
"Really? Then…"
Feeling guilty, Ruolan got on her knees and bowed her head, "Please forgive me, if your father didn't save and nurse me back to health, then he might have fulfilled his promise to you." She noted.
"Ruolan it isn't your fault so don't blame yourself anymore." Yu Xiaoguang sternly told, but Ruolan was hardheaded and wouldn't be 'consoled' easily.