Don't Make Me Regret Doing This

Lian figured, that upon hearing the man had a silver pass, Yu Xiaoguang would back off and leave the issue. But surprisingly, he nodded and asked for the address.

"He lives in a big terrace house located on the western edge of the village's border. Tall trees surround the house, overlooking a muddy pathway that leads to a small river. It's one of the best houses our village boasts off." Lian wasn't entirely sure why she went along with this man's dangerous agenda, it wasn't like he could stand up to the notorious Xu Xuan.

"Thank you for your help, I'm in a hurry so I can't stay and return the favor. But if we meet again, I won't be the one on the receiving end." Yu Xiaoguang told her, then went to the open window.

Lian parted her lips, perhaps to give him a last minute warning, but sharp knocks on her door, made her hairs stand. Coupled with that, her husband's low groans placed her on edge, as he regained consciousness.