Hostility Haboured

"Now, Pangling, hand over the eternal compass so that I can leave this wretched village."

But the lad shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about." He responded, still hiding behind the general.

"Don't play the fool, I saw you with it from your window, I only waited for you two to both be in one place. Now, don't waste my time, unless you want to face his wrath. My boss isn't the forgiving kind, he will take revenge on this village if you don't cooperate." Ah-lam explained in a cynical tone.

She deflected her gaze to the general, "I'm sure you're dying to know what the link between us two is. And why it is this brat is sticking to you…" she was saying, but the general cut her off.

"This village is under the protection of your boss and in exchange your boss is using Ǒuyù village as a channel to distribute his merchandise across with ease. And with as minimal scrutiny as possible." Wang Tengfei inserted sharply, his eyes bored, and his tone unimpressed.