"Yu Xiaoguang? Who the hell is that?" The woman flicked her hair back and rolled her eyes, a slight hint of mockery in her tone. Since they were the Wang family maids, they were brought up in the main Wang estate, and didn't know much that happened in the capital.
They were sheltered women, who lived their lives in a much more luxurious fashion, than even some noble women living in the capital.
"You see this pass? It belongs to my benafactor, and soon, his name will become very popular it reaches the heavens." Ju declared, flashing the pass for all to see.
—"Yu Xiaoguang? Yu family? Have you heard of them?"
—"No, but doesn't that pass look so old and crummy? How can she raise something so pitiful to us?"
—"His name reaches the heavens? What a pipe dream."
Despite the murmurs going around, Ju stood her ground, insisting on her claim.