Dangerous Proximity

The leader dismissed everybody else but Mei Deng and both Captains, brother Mo's body was transported to the leader's tent, where all four men stood. The rest of the camp were ordered to wait outside, and none was perrmitted to leave for any reason. 

Taking charge, the Tainted Ghoul declared with serious eyes, "All what Yu Xiaoguang has said is correct, and what's even more correct is the fact that the person who killed this servant is infact one of our men." 

"Im-Impossible!" The first captain retorted with widened eyes, "Not one of our men dare betray us!" 

Mei Deng stared at the leader, equally stunned that he came to the same conclusion. What's more, he liked the way their leader said his name out of his lips, though that was just a thought. 

"But the evidence is looking right at us," the leader drew their attention to the corpse laid out in front of them. He used his eyes to point at the knife placed next to a dead brother Mo.