You'll Have To Sleep With Me

Mei Deng stopped completely, the possiblity that the Tainted Ghoul had poisoned Pangling didn't once come to mind. He rose from his squat position, grabbed the Tainted Ghoul by the wrist then led him outside.

"This is new, you're the one being assertive all of a sudden." Their leader teased, but the crossed look on Mei Deng's face spelled he wasn't pleased.

Still holding onto his wrist he asked, "Please be honest with me, did you actually poison Pangling?"


The word was uttered with so much swiftness and certainty, as though there could be no other truth aside that.

Mei Deng let go of his hand and widened his eyes, "Isn't that too much? He's so young, how could you do that to him?"

The other man scratched the side of his head, "Don't look at me like that, it couldn't be helped, he refused to give me the information I needed…"