Your Existence Is A Complete Waste

Ruolan's ears stood up at the mention of the summoning stone, her reaction made the other woman aware that she might've heard of it. Same went for Pangling, who widened his eyes.

The other woman sighed, "I take it you're already aware of it's abilities. That stone can summon a dead person's spirit and have it possess an alive host. But this can only last for a day, after twenty four hours elapses the spirit returns and the host dies." She explained.

"Yes, I've heard of the stone, my father told me about it when I was ten years old." Said Pangling, the other woman turned to Ruolan, hinting at her to explain how she knew of the stone.

She answered in a still voice, "I heard something about it in a village we travelled by." She announced, leaving out the part where her and lieutenant Shen found the stone themselves.