Marriage Consummation Pt 1

Answering his question, Wang Tengfei lowered himself and hooked his arms under Mei Deng's feet, lifting him off the ground.

"Brother traffic what are…"

"You can't take it back now." The general sharply inserted, Mei Deng who realized what was being implied hid his face underneath his palm, hiding the red patches of blush that painted his cheeks.

"I know." He whispered uncertain if the general had heard him. Thankfully, it was late, and there was barely a single soul on the road.

"Shall we return to the inn?" Yu Xiaoguang asked, but the general shook his head in response. He looked around frantically, still holding Mei Deng in his arms, searching for something else.

"There." He said and without warning he marched towards the cart which he came on, the donkey had somehow managed to escape. But the general nor Mei Deng could've cared any less for the animal.