Come To My Room Tonight

At the mention of the Wang family pass, the entire camp turned silent, all eyes darted to the green pass that dangled on Nuan's clothes, standing out amongst other things.

Mei Deng vividly recalled four years ago, in a flash he remembered Wang Xiaobo coming to save him from the duke, and bestowing him his own pass. However, he also recalled giving said pass to Nuan as a keepsake. Of course, that was done before the woman followed after him, travelling with him.

At this point, Mei Deng suddenly started to feel as though he had made a huge mistake. Fortunately, Kuángrén was sensible and knew the boy's wounds needed immediate tending to.

"Allow me." He said, walking over to Mei Deng, he got on one knee and stretched his hand out to the child.

Seeing as it was a good move, he allowed Bingwen to leave with the Kuángrén to get treated, while he stayed behind to difuse the situation.