A Special Marriage Proposal

Mei Deng sat upright and tried to retain his composure, ignoring the seething stares directed at him from all sides. He didn't understand what the fuss was all about, and decided to focus more on Wang Tengfei's trial.

The old Wang general rose to his feet and in turn all the side whispering seized, all eyes were turned to him, as he cleared his throat to address the witnesses to the trial.

"Wang Tengfei," he called out, the general folded his palms, "Yes, Clan leader." His father turned his attention to Tingting, who was dressed in a floral patterned green hanfu robe, having white flowers woven into her hair.

"Wang Tingting." He addressed her, the woman gently lowered herself and clasped her hands to the old general.

"Yes, Clan leader," she replied in an elegant manner, causing all the men in attendance to smile at her grace and beauty. Some even considered the general to be a blessed person.