The Quest of the Elden Descendants


A huge Mystic Truck drove out of the Great Ape Forest.

Despite escaping this dangerous territory already, Aragorn still had his legs firmly on the accelerators as he pushed the mystic Truck to ride even faster.

For the past few minutes till now, all 3 of them were as quiet as a mouse as the events of the past battle played again in their minds. When they thought back to the dangerous moments of the battle, they instinctively shuddered.

Rex suddenly spoke. "Don't tell anyone about this battle, agreed?"

"Agreed!" Aragorn and Princess Elanor softly agreed.

Perhaps, having spoken once, the dam that was holding him back from talking finally burst as Rex continued. "Damn, I can't believe that freaking Ape!"

"How can 1 Advanced Mystic beast be so powerful?"

Thinking back to how they were forced to escape pitifully from the Ape despite attacking 3 on 1, Rex felt like a knife was used to slowly twist and dissect his intestines as it left an extremely bad taste in his mouth.