Congratulations, you are now a Master Swordsman

On seeing himself on the 8th floor of the pagoda, Rex took a deep breath to control his excitement and dread as this confirmed that the journey was not over yet. He was finally entering the hard parts of the pagoda test.

Originally, he did not expect himself to be able to access the levels that corresponded to the ultimate sword domain level.

All these were privileges of him being the main inheritor.

From the first 2 stages of the sword domain and mystic sword domain, he already benefited a lot from the inheritance, he was even more hyped now about the rewards that he could get if he finished all 12 levels of the pagoda.

Having slowly acclimatized himself to the ways of the Sword Saint, he knew that the tests would only be harder on him now even though he was the perfect candidate for the inheritance that he wanted.