Baby Vamp, come out to meet Daddy!

The new Vampiric Armor sent Rex to a cloud nine level of euphoria.

For a long time, though he always had an advantage over the common mystic warriors that he had to go up against, most of his enemies were such powerful warriors that they had access to much more powerful mystic treasures.

Though after becoming a vampire, through his family's inheritance, he inherited mystic treasures that all had myth grade potential, he could not use them to their full potential yet unless he upgraded them.

For a long time, the Affection Necklace and the Coffin of the Ancients were his only mystic treasures that were of the myth level.

Though this was already pretty ridiculous for an Advanced mystic warrior, considering the caliber of enemies that he had, it was still nowhere enough.

Now though, the same thing could no longer be said.

He now had 4 myth level mystic treasures, and 2 of them were the most important mystic treasures that a mystic warrior needed, a weapon and an armor.