Annexing the Exquisite Gang

Clang! Clang!

The metallic ringing sounds of weapons falling down reverberated.

Psychological warfare was part of war. Today, the originally strong and tenacious hearts of the Exquisite warriors was already broken so much that they now had a phobia for Rex, they literally now saw Rex as a god.

In all their lives, they've heard stories of powerful Super mystic warriors running riot through an army of tens of thousands of lesser mystic warriors.

They've also heard of Myth grade warriors doing the same.

What they have not heard of was a single Advanced mystic warrior running riot through an army of over 30,000 with 4 Advanced mystic warriors and thousands of intermediate mystic warriors, Rex's achievement was a miracle.

When his beasts held them for over 5 minutes, killing thousands of mystic warriors in that same time, they were intimidated but they kept on fighting.