Invasion of the Mystic Apes! [1]

"It's a beast invasion!"

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Almost at the same time that Rex came to this realization and exclaimed, the horse-riding Ape seemed to finish its speech of addressing the other apes as they all erupted aggressively grunting and hooting while beating their chests.

"They will move soon".

"The horse-riding Ape is about to give the order". Swift Spear said coldly as her hand moved to grab her spear.

Rex came to the Great Ape Forest for an entirely different reason, he never expected to experience such a mind­-boggling twist and was shocked.

His shock limited his instantaneous decision making a bit but in times like this was why it was paramount to have comrades. Rex froze from the sudden shock but Cassandra did not freeze, she took over command almost instantly.

"There's a cave to the left just behind where we came from, follow me there as fast as you can to hide before the apes can discover us".