Chapter1: Origin (Updated)

Written By: Shuvodip Aich

Proofread By: Maximus1334

Edited By: Maximus1334

{A/N: Guys this chapter had been updated. Thanks for supporting}

Chapter1: Origin (Updated)

Amid an ongoing battle between powerful beings, they fought for their own benefit or the betterment of their people and civilization. Yet, there were countless planets and civilizations unaware of these powerful beings, beyond the imagination of those who lived on such planets.

Amidst a dense forest, three humanoid creatures with strikingly similar features to humans but different from each other battled other humanoid creatures, but there is a lot of difference between these humanoid creatures as the first 3 humanoid creatures had 90% same features as a human while the latter creatures possessing beastly features except for their humanoid shape.

Despite being outnumbered, the three easily overpowered their opponents killing them like they are some sort of weeds to be harvested, with one in particular between the 3 responsible for the majority of the kills as compared to the other two.

The most shocking thing is that the fight took place inside a stadium surrounded by thousands of people of different races, cheering and screaming the names of humanoid beings behaving like die-hard fans seeing their stars for the first time.

The name "***** Hunter" was shouted by most of the crowd, indicating the popularity of the one with the highest kill count.

"***** Hunter, ***** Hunter"

{A/N: Full name will be disclosed as the story progressed}

At that moment, one of the hunters stopped attacking the monster and turned directly towards the audience, waving his hand to show appreciation for their support. This particular hunter had the most kills so far - and that hunter is none other than myself.

He is non-other than the one who had the most kill till now.

Pov Shifted To first-person perspective

Yes, that's me, you may have been wondering who I am and why you should listen to me.

So, let me introduce myself. I used to go by the name Jason Wilder, given by my parents in my first life but now I go by a lot of names.

Although here I am more commonly known as the ***** Hunter. I used to be a human from planet Earth, but due to certain circumstances, I ended up here.

I played a significant role in that decision, so by now, you may have formed some opinions about me. Most people think that I was reincarnated, and while that's partially true, the reality of reincarnation is quite different from what we've read in books and stories.

I understand that all of you are curious about how reincarnation is different from what we know from books and stories. So, without further ado, let me begin my story from the very beginning.

I hope that all of you will stay with me until the end and support me as I take you on a rollercoaster ride through my life.

It all started a few months or years ago - who knows how much time has passed, as time is different in various planets and dimensions. I was on a mission given to me and my team by the organization I used to work for.

Just like other missions. This one is also an important mission at the time probably the most important, but little did we know that it would change everything in my life.

{AN – From below here the story will start and the first arc will only consist of all the life of Jason who is our Mc before he reincarnated. It the most important to show how his personality changed and how he came to know about many things, why did he choose to reincarnate. So please stick with the story till 55 chapters and I can promise you that you will love the story.

That's it from me I hope you will stay till the end of the story. Have a Great day and Enjoy the chapter as it is going to be a long one}

In the third dimension, we can see a spaceship with a large logo of a planet, moving swiftly towards an unknown destination.

Inside the spaceship, we can see several people bustling around, carrying excited expressions on their faces. Amidst them, there is a man in his early thirties, with a carefree look, sitting on a chair beside a window. He seems to be lost in his own thoughts, unaware of the commotion around him.

Suddenly, a loud voice interrupts his thoughts, "Jason, what are you doing there? Go and get ready; we are about to reach our destination."

"Mark, why are you shouting so loudly? I was just about to get ready. You don't have to tell me," Jason replied with a smirk.

"Whatever, man. Just go and get ready," Mark said, dismissively waving his hand.

Jason got up from his seat and headed towards the dressing area. As he got ready, memories of his younger days flooded his mind. Without even realizing that today was a very important day in his life.

20 years ago

On July 19, 2227, a boy around the age of 8 to 10 years was sleeping peacefully without any worries. But when does the world ever allow anyone to live peacefully?

Just then, a loud voice woke the boy up from his peaceful dream.

"Jason, wake up! Breakfast is ready. Come down quickly."

"Just five more minutes, Mom," Jason replied in his sleepy voice.

"Will you come down on your own or do you want me to come to get you?" Jason's mom said somewhat angrily.

"Today is my birthday, Mom. You don't have to come to get me. You never let me sleep peacefully even on my birthday," Jason said with an irritated tone.

"Now go and get ready quickly. Breakfast will be on the table in a few minutes."

After that, Jason went to the bathroom with a somewhat sleepy face. A few minutes later, he got dressed and went downstairs, joining his family at the breakfast table.

"So, birthday boy, you finally decided to come down," asked a man in his forties while reading something on his 3D watch.

"Morning, Dad. Mom, what's for breakfast?" Jason asked.

"You'll see when it's served," replied Jason's mom.

"So, Jason, what do you want for your birthday? Don't be shy, just ask for anything," asked Jason's dad.

"Ryan, don't give him whatever he asks for," Jason's mom interjected.

"Let him ask for anything. Today is his birthday, so let him have his way," Ryan said.

"Jason, ignore whatever your mother says. Just ask for anything. Also, you have to remember that this offer only stands for today, so just ask for anything, or else you will lose this opportunity," Ryan said.

Jason then looked towards his mother and nervously replied, "Dad, I want a motorcycle."

After hearing what Jason wanted, Emma shouted loudly, "Jason!"

Just when he hears his mother shout, he gets ready to run, but his father speaks.

"Okay, you will get one, but you have to promise me that you will not use it for something bad," Ryan replied.

After hearing his father's reply, Jason nodded his head as fast as he could.

"But Ryan," Just when his mother spoke, his father stopped her mid-sentence.

"Let it be, Emma. He already promised, and also, nowadays, kids his age are allowed to use motorcycles," Ryan said.

When Jason listened to his father's words, he got happy and didn't say anything further as he knew that his mother was already enraged.

After this discussion, all things returned to normal, just like every day.

After having his breakfast, Jason went to school, where his friends congratulated him on his birthday. He then returned home in the afternoon after completing school and started helping his mother with the arrangements for the party that would take place in the evening.

Finally, a few hours later, the party started as guests arrived one by one and congratulated him on his birthday.

After all the guests had arrived, Jason finally cut his birthday cake, and then all the guests started giving him different types of gifts.

Jason then started to open the gifts with the help of his friends. He found different types of toys, games, and many more things inside the gifts, but one particular gift given by his friend caught all his attention.

The thing inside the gift, which his friend gave him, was a book, but he didn't understand what type of book it was. Due to curiosity, he finally asked his friend who gave him this gift.

"Bryan, what type of book is this?" Jason asked curiously.

"Do you already like it, huh?" Bryan asked.

"Nah, just curious," Jason replied.

"Jason, remember this carefully, as the greatest Bryan now introducing you to a whole new world, which you will forever remember," Bryan said.

"This is a light novel, and if you read it once, your whole life will change, and you will always thank me for that." After saying that, Bryan started to laugh.

Yeah, we'll see," Jason replied sarcastically.

After that, Jason and his friends continued their gossip. Just like that, the party finally came to an end as his friends said goodbye to him and left his house.

"Jason, go clean up the mess you and your friends made. Also, take the gifts to your room and arrange them properly. After that, go to bed directly," Emma said to Jason.

"Yes, Mom," Jason replied.

After that, Jason did all the things his mother asked him to do and went to bed. But before going to sleep, he decided to try the book that his friend had given him.

Then Jason started to read the book, but as he read further, he got totally into the book. Time flew by, and he didn't even notice when morning came.

Jason snapped out of his trance when his mom called him, and he realized it was already morning.

Just like always, he had breakfast with his family and went to school. But today, something changed in his routine as he only talked about the novel with Bryan the whole time he was in school.

Jason asked different types of questions like what would happen further in the story or what abilities the characters used.

Day by day, his curiosity increased, and while others got bored after some time, Jason's situation was totally the opposite as his curiosity kept increasing.

After some days, his father finally fulfilled his promise and gave him the best Sportbike available in the market, which was not a big deal for his family.

As Jason's father worked as a researcher at the Explorer Department and his mother worked at the Biological Center, money was never a problem for them.

As Jason grew up, he started to read different types of mythological and historical books about powerful people or gods, and he also learned the history of his planet in history classes.

He learned that around 200 years ago, there used to be many different countries, but at that time, a catastrophic disaster hit the planet, which totally shook the economy of many countries and wiped out almost half of the population on the planet.

At that time, the leaders of different countries decided to unite all the countries for a better future and development of the people and society to stop disputes between countries.

Twenty years after the countries decided to unite themselves, a great discovery happened in the region of the Himalayas.

The discovery was so great that it totally changed the viewpoint and lifestyle of all the people at that time.

They found an ancient temple hidden inside a mountain, and inside the temple, they found remnants of powerful beings who once lived on the planet.

They also found books from which they discovered new technology and learned that those beings could control different types of elemental power.

At that time all the leaders decided to create an organisation whose sole job was to deal with these types of things and named the organisation "Explorer".


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