Chapter 33: Jason vs Glendin

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Written By: Shuvodip Aich

Chapter 33: Jason vs Glendin

When Jason reached the side of his chest he didn't find the radio there then again he got a bad feeling about it.

"Are you searching for this, kekekeke" The Glendin said in a creepy voice as he showed him his radio in its hand.

"Hey guys it's Jason quickly come here I found mark he is beside me"

The Glendin said using the radio in Jason's voice and after that he crushed the radio as if it was made with Jello.

"You Fu***r" Jason said with a very angry voice as he was both shocked and angry at this moment.

Jason is shocked not because the Glendin can use his voice but how it can steal his radio without him knowing and how easily it crushed the radio as it was made with material that even a nuclear missile can't destroy.

"Kekekeke, you think I am so naïve that I can't feel when someone was spying on me, I noticed the moment you entered here"

"When I see that you didn't do something to interrupt us I also decided to join your game and played along and what a wonderful result I got, kekekeke" The Glendin speaks in an eerie voice.

Jason knows that the creature is trying to get under his skin but if he is being truthful then it gets to succeed in what it is trying to do.

There are only a few things that Jason truly despised and one of them was when someone tried to play with him.

He is so furious right now that he, at last, couldn't contain his anger and dashes towards the Glendin.

This time he didn't even use his weapons, he used a fist to smash the creature into a paste before his fist can connect to his target.

The Glendin used his hind legs and smashed it into Jason's chest before he can deliver his blow which sent him flying backwards like a bullet.

Jason crashed into the wall but this time neither he nor the wall faced any damage.

Jason quickly got up on his feet and didn't get any injuries if this happened to him before he would have at least cracked 20 bones at a minimum but now except for some pain nothing happened to him.

"I estimated you more than you are, you are not worthy for me to fight" Glendin speaks to Jason in disappointment he turned towards the Vetis and bisu said something to them in some weird language.

"As I said earlier now no one can stop, now I am going I had some work to do these guys will take care of you, don't worry you will be used as one of the sacrifices so be proud that you are chosen, kekekeke" The Glendin said.

Jason didn't even get the chance to reply as he got attacked by 3 bisu and 10 Vetis.

Jason quickly dodged an eel-shaped hand with long nails like a knife that just missed the side of his chest but that didn't stop there this time he got attacked at all parts of his body at once.

If this was the rank7, Jason right now he would have been already dead but he is not the same so this time instead of dodging he decided to counter them with his own attack.

Jason passed mana into the weapons which increased the intensity of flames, he then quickly cut the first hand the second, third … and in under a sec he cut all the hands.

Which created an opportunity for him to slip out. Jason didn't stop there using this opportunity he makes three slashes towards the neck of three Vetis.

The 3Vetis weren't even able to move before their heads gets beheaded.

The remaining Vetis got extremely angry watching 3 of their race members getting killed, but they didn't attack Jason and only looked at him with angry eyes.

Jason also looked into their eyes without showing a hint of fear at all but he had a total madness look in them.

"Why aren't you coming, scared huh" Jason speaks

"You lowly human there is no need for them to get sacred, they are just giving the way for their masters" A bisu said to Jason while behind him 3 more Bisu are standing in a line.

"What you can speak" Jason got shocked and couldn't help it so he speaks up.

This is his first time watching a Bisu speak what is more shocking is that they are speaking English, as per the data in the headquarters he received about bisu is that even a high-rank 9 can't speak.

"I can very much speak, it is all thanks to our lord he helped me as a gift for summoning him, this is the first task that my lord gave me and I didn't want to upset him"

"So now be grateful that I not only kill you I will present your head to my lord as a gift, I think then he will praise me a lot" The bisu said just like some made follower.

Listening to this Jason got totally creeped out as he didn't expect an aficionado for the first time in his life on top of all it was not even a human.

"How do think you can do that" Jason asked with a smile as he can tell from the aura of the bisu that he is at rank 8 for the current him it was not even a problem if it was before then things would have been serious.

"Like this" The bisu said and suddenly its aura started to increase and reached peak rank 9 but it didn't stop there the aura a few secs later finally break through rank 9 and settled in early rank 10.

It had taken almost 10 secs but Jason didn't do anything other than standing there and watching all of it with cold eyes.

"So that's it and you think you can kill me with this much, let me tell you a think it will take more than this to even put a scratch on me, dickheads follower" Jason said arrogantly.

There is a saying you got shocked 1 time then that's ok but if you get shocked again and again then dude check if you ok or not.

These are the words Jason followed and these words are non-other than the greatest philosopher of all time Jason wilder so except for him no one follows these words.

Jason knowingly said the last words for an aficionado even if you say the most vicious thing to them then they will just ignore it but if you say even a tiny bit of thing about their master then they will burst like a volcano.

"What did you say, you puny degenerate rotten human" The Bisu replied angrily and charged towards him like a rocket.

"Bin-go" Jason thinks inside his mind as he perfectly hit the bull's eye he is not some arrogant who can easily handle a rank10 when he himself had power that is borrowed and he even didn't fully control everything.

Before he can think any further a punch, packing terrifying force, arrived to greet his face and only get the time to slightly move his head just to avoid the punch with a margin distance.


A sudden shattering sound reverberated in the surroundings and when he looks at the effect, there is only one thing reverted in his mind.

"I fuc**d up"


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