Chapter 56: Story behind my gift Part-3

Written By: Shuvodip Aich (A.K.A- Penmaestro)

{AN: Good news guys only 12 chapters left until this arc will End. After that, i will especially do a QNA to answer your doubts. So make sure to comment on this chapter and the upcoming ones}

Chapter 56: Story behind my gift Part-3

"As he neared the exit, the Asura struggled to contain his mounting excitement. The prospect of finally absorbing the essence and facing the Devas without the looming spectre of death filled him with anticipation"

"He envisioned himself as the preeminent powerhouse of his race, poised to ascend to unmatched heights. Unbeknownst to him, however, a fellow Asura had already set his sights on the coveted item within the shop."

"The observant Asura, was the first person laying his eyes on the essence, refrained from making an immediate purchase. Aware of the potential presence of traps or other dangers, he opted to bide his time and await the emergence of a buyer"

"He cunningly deduced that the individual who acquired the essence would likely attempt to absorb it upon leaving the premises. Seizing this opportunity, he planned to launch a surprise attack, eliminating the unsuspecting buyer and claiming the essence as his own before that person can leave the realm"

"Little did he anticipate that another member of the Asura race had also made their way to the realm, and to his astonishment, this fellow Asura turned out to be the very individual who purchased the essence."

"However, this unexpected turn of events did not waver his determination. His plan remained unaltered, for the stakes at hand outweighed any concerns he might have had. It was a rarity for Asuras to engage in combat with one another, as they held a strong belief in kinship and mutual support."

"Furthermore, a strict rule forbade conflicts between fellow Asuras, and violating this rule carried severe consequences. Yet, the allure of the essence was too great for him to be deterred by such constraints."

"He was willing to risk the dangerous punishment that might follow, knowing that the prize at stake held immeasurable value."

"Moreover, he understood that once he successfully absorbed the essence, even if he were to eliminate the Asura before him, there would be no objections or repercussions."

"In an instant, he would ascend to the pinnacle of his race, becoming the ultimate powerhouse. At that point, the significance of having slain a fellow Asura would be inconsequential, overshadowed by his newfound power and status."

"So, he silently trailed the Asura from the shadows, patiently waiting for the opportune moment when they would depart from the bustling crowd and venture into a secluded area."

"Soon enough, his patience was rewarded as they reached the desired location. Waste no time, he launched a swift attack, aiming to catch the Asura off guard. However, to his surprise, the targeted Asura evaded the assault with agility and promptly retaliated."

"Thus commenced one of the most intense battles I had ever witnessed. Contrary to what one might expect, rather than dispersing and avoiding the confrontation, onlookers, including myself and a few other deities, were drawn to the spectacle. We were taken aback by this extraordinary clash between two members of the Asura race."

"We could speculate on the reasons behind their conflict, knowing that among Asuras, only a few triggers could incite such internal strife. Perhaps these combatants were inexperienced newcomers, unaware of the established protocols set by the Asura leadership to prevent internal conflicts."

"Hence, I anticipated that their confrontation would be swiftly quelled by a superior Asura within a matter of minutes as the head of Asuras placed a rare type of spell on its race which alerts others about the location of any fight that occurs between their members"

"Although they may have been considered the weakest within their race, their individual power far surpassed that of any present onlooker."

"While their lives were not invulnerable, only the Devas and exceptionally rare beings possessed the means to accomplish such a feat."

"Even the newly emerged Asuras possessed greater power than the majority of us deities. Despite their lack of experience, eliminating a newborn Asura proved to be an exceedingly challenging task for most beings. Their innate strength and resilience far surpassed that of many others."

"So other than looking at the fight no one could anything to stop them including me and the other fellow deities"

"As seconds ticked by, the intensity of their battle escalated, wreaking havoc upon the realm and plunging it into chaos. The destructive force unleashed threatened the very existence of the realm, and the spectre of imminent death loomed ominously."

"However, in a sudden and unexpected turn of events, the ferocious clash between the two Asuras abruptly ceased. It became apparent that neither combatant had suffered even the slightest injury, despite their cataclysmic confrontation leaving the realm in ruins."

"The catalyst for their abrupt cessation was the arrival of another Asura, whose power dwarfed that of the two engaged in combat. With an unwavering grip, the newcomer effortlessly lifted both Asuras by their necks, their futile struggles failing to budge the unyielding grasp."

"The source of their relentless struggle was not a desperate bid for freedom from their captor, but rather their burning fury over the immortal essence held in the other hand of the powerful Asura."

"This precious prize, for which they had risked their lives and violated sacred rules, now lay tantalizingly out of their reach."

"Caught in a helpless struggle, they could do nothing but strive to break free, their desperation mounting as they sought to reclaim the coveted essence."

"Little did they know that the consumption of the immortal essence alone would not have triggered the impending chaos, for instances of such absorption had occurred before in the cosmos."

"What unfolded next sent shockwaves reverberating throughout the entire fabric of existence, leaving the cosmos in a state of disarray."

"The captive Asuras, realizing that the coveted immortal essence was now forever beyond their grasp, also understood that the interceding Asura would never relinquish it to another being."

"Driven by their insatiable greed, their resolve hardened: if they couldn't have the essence, no one would."

"In a remarkable display of sacrifice, devoid of struggle or resistance, the two Asuras invoked a rare and powerful ritual, willingly offering their own lives as well as the immortal essence."

"Their actions unfolded with an unstoppable swiftness, leaving the Asura holding them powerless to prevent the culmination of the ritual, as their self-sacrifice exponentially hastened its progress."

"In a matter of seconds, their corporeal forms liquefied, merging with the immortal essence in a swirling union."

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