New Threat! Conqueror of Three Galaxies, Emperor Wraith

Young Elenor stood in front of the mansion and spoke.

"SleepyDragon Awaken!"

"Voice Recognized! All systems are online! Hello Miss Elenor, how can I help you?"

"Deactivate all defensive mechanisms and turn off all cameras."

"Yes, Miss!"

"Open the main gate!"

With her commands, the main gate opened up. With a big smile on her face, Young Elenor walked inside. 

"Open the door!" 

Young Elenor continued walking inside the house and stopped a few steps away from the place the elevator emerges. With another command, the floor split apart and an elevator emerges in front of her.

She enters the elevator and goes straight down to the lab. After she walks out of the elevator, a trace of sadness appears in her eyes.

"It still looks the same."