Young Prince, Wraith D. Junior

"Damn! Why did the Omega-Level people find us all of a sudden?" Brian clenched his fist while reading the entire text sent from the Andromeda Galaxy.

"Sir, yesterday, I received a strange fluctuation in the defensive system of UMA. I wasn't sure if someone hacked in. Would you like to check the system performance?" Lily asked.

"No… First, scan the main satellite. Then use it to scan the whole earth. Finally, show me the UMA Firewall System performance." Brian shook his head and continued reading the information he got.

Finally, when things were getting cooled down, something just happened. Not to mention, he hasn't still solved the situation of his daughter who came from the future.

After reading the entire text, Brian rubbed his chin and thought 'Why would the Emperor of three galaxies send his only son to the half-Awakened planet and threatened to take care of him?'