New Gods

New Gods is a virtual reality game created by UMA and designed by Brian Jackson. This game utilizes Zero-Point Energy to evolve the virtual world.  So, after creating the game, they just let the Zero-Point Energy evolve into something greater.

Character- The in-game characters are created with biomechanical bodies that were evolved with the help of Zero-Point energy. These bodies are specifically designed to absorb the Zero-Point Energy after killing the creature in order to evolve. And, it is also designed to perfectly combine with the real body.

Although they can be recreated after death, it will only decrease their potential. Because those are almost the real body, once they die, they lose their perfect ability to absorb the Zero-Point Energy after a certain level.

World- This world is a virtual world which evolves that means the land and the creatures inside the game will also change after a certain time. The more they level up, the bigger this world gets until they reach lvl.100 which is currently the peak of the game.

There are plenty of races and classes in this game. Each race has a certain advantage and disadvantage while each class has the same. Choosing one class will give the player abilities that can be also used in the real world.

And, as they level up, their strength in the real world also increases. 

There are some forbidden zones known to very few players. These forbidden zones consist of millions of monsters that can be used to level up faster. But, it is also very dangerous.

(Future Ely used these zones to improve rapidly.)