Wraith's Fear

Three Days Later,

On the top layer of the atmosphere,

"Dark Emperor Flames!"

Brian took a deep breath and his mouth condensed a large amount of dark mana in it. The moment he opened his mouth, black flames came out of his mouth like water coming out of a stream.

But, he didn't stop there. He closed his mouth and spun. He extended his right arm and with the spin, he slapped a powerful wave of purple wind from his hand.

"Majestic Purple Wind!"

Brian raised both of his hands and suddenly, his aura changed. His mana burst out on his palm and transformed into dark red flames.

"Hell's Flame!"

He slapped his palms together and released a vertical circle of flame that stayed a few inches away from his face. The circle itself wasn't that big but he had total control over it.

He spun and threw the flaming circle. It sharply moved toward space and after reaching outside the earth's orbit, it collided against a small rock.
