Fighting against Dragons Part 1

[Attention everyone! Our systems have gone offline]

[Every satellite has gone offline]

[Please pay attention and leave to the safety sector]

While Brian was looking out from the balcony, he saw the giant screen panels spread all around the sky. Seeing this, Brian sighed.

"It seems like Specter is going to help me. But, at least, they are smart enough to stay out of it."

There was a slight trace of cold glint in his eyes. He was only wearing his underwear so he went in and wore some clothes. 

"Lily, ready the jet! It's time to fly."

Brian said while wearing his clothes. At this moment, his jet flew toward him and stopped in front of his balcony which was several meters high from the ground.

After wearing his clothes, he jumped out of his balcony and landed on the jet. The door opened for him as he walked in and took his seat.