New Gene Abilities

"Just how long will it take to reach there?" James turned his head and asked.

"We already told you fifteen times. It will take a whole week." Brian was annoyed by his question. He felt James was too impatient but then he thought about it, James was truly impatient from childhood.

He couldn't do anything about it. It has only been three days. There are still four days before they finally reach their destination. So, he was hoping James would stay calm.

James stretched out his arms with a bored expression and sat in front of Ely. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind as he asked.

"Ely, how was I in your timeline? Was I dead or alive?"

Hearing this question out of nowhere, Ely was startled. But, she quickly calmed down and spoke.

"You didn't actually appear too much in front of us. In fact, the only time we saw you were on some special occasion. Though you did hang out a lot with daddy inside New Gods."