Hobgoblin's Road

Generally, the city lord wouldn't bother extending an invitation, even if they knew important people were visiting or passing through their city.

There were many nobles in the kingdom, not to mention the families and extended families of nobles. Simply said, there were a lot of people in the upper class.

Those that like to travel wouldn't be small in number either.

If the lord had to meet every person of status every time they visited the city, the lord would be greatly inconvenienced.

As such, Linetta and Lillias were baffled to learn of Lord Helia's invitation.

They would have understood if it was someone like their mother, a Marquis-rank noble, unlike them who have yet to contribute to the kingdom and receive peerage from the ruler.

"May I ask who you are? And why does Lord Helia want to see us?" Linetta asked politely before adding, "I believe someone like Lord Helia would be quite busy to extend an invitation to others visiting her city normally…"