Zellera’s Curse

"About… Malise Breedlove."

"Malise Breedlove?"

After hearing the Rank 1 Aura Warrior bring up the name of a Senior Witch, the people at the table were quickly startled, and the mood at the table changed.

A few moments later, one of them surprisingly whispered in a very soft tone, "Malise Breedlove, the sex maniac? What happened to her?"

"There were rumors that Malise Breedlove contracted Zellera's Curse. Apparently, Malise Breedlove also spread it to twenty other men, who then spread it to fifty other witches," the Rank 1 Aura Warrior whispered back.

"That many?!" everyone at the table immediately took a sharp breath due to shock from hearing the startling news.

"How did so many people get infected?" another man at the table asked.

"You know Zellera's Curse works. It's sexually transmitted, but the curse doesn't manifest immediately. Infected people will only notice something wrong after three days," the Rank 1 Aura Warrior quietly mentioned.