Strong Sneeze

When Vaan heard about Headmaster Tabitha's condition from Helia Ashenborn, he imagined the librarian to be strict.

However, Dahlia Payne gave him the impression of someone who was both extremely short-sighted and a klutz.

Perhaps the library needed a library assistant because no one else wanted to be Dahlia Payne's assistant.

'An accidental bump knocked over three heavy bookshelves and created such a big mess? Is this a test?' Vaan doubted.

The thought crossed Vaan's mind.

But when Vaan looked at Dahlia Payne's expression and body movements, she did look genuinely distressed and troubled by the mess she had caused in the library.

Fortunately, the books were enchanted, making them sturdier and less vulnerable to damage.

After gauging the weight of one of the three knocked-over bookshelves, Vaan determined his present strength was adequate to lift them.