Destination: Redpine City

Sometime later, a magic tool was used to handcuff Istana Gleriath and seal her magic.

After basic healing was cast on Istana Gleriath, Ember Killian glanced at the witches and aura users gathered near the castle's gate, not knowing what to do.

"Your lord has been captured and stripped of her lordship under my authority as the Grand Inquisitor! Do you all have a problem with that?!"

"No, Grand Inquisitor!"

After Ember Killian questioned them, the witches and aura users under Istana Gleriath denied it in unison.

Even if they had a problem with Ember Killian's decision, they didn't have the strength or courage to oppose her.

"What loyal retainers you have, Istana," Ember Killian mocked.

However, Istana Gleriath didn't respond. She remained silent and grew more gray hair by the moment. At the same time, her fair and smooth skin turned dry and wrinkly, turning her into an old lady.