Realm Fragment

Shortly after killing Black Crow, Vaan sensed some movement from the other Peak C-rank hunter called Blood Knife.

Despite taking a bullet through the head, the wolf-man was surprisingly still alive, albeit paralyzed. But even though the wolf-man couldn't move, it was just a matter of time before he could.

"This is the regeneration ability of the Rank 5 Demon Wolf, Furhengir, huh?" Vaan softly muttered before he cut off the wolf-man's head.

Shortly after putting his weapons away, he quickly gathered the bodies of the four wolf-men and stopped their bleeding by sealing their open wounds with Heat Manipulation, which heated their flesh to a level that melted.

However, Vaan staggered shortly after, feeling a sudden rush of weakness.

Having skipped out on days of sleep and further depleting his mental energy to use his Specialize Magic and abilities, he had accumulated quite a fair bit of mental fatigue and required some rest.