Various Thoughts

'He has grown again…"

Astoria spectated the spar between Vaan and Senior Jergag from a distance with a wry and self-deprecating smile.

In the blink of an eye, the weak person she decided to protect for the future of humanity had surpassed her.

Vaan had grown at a rate others could only dream of replicating.

After all, his physique was far too superior and unique compared to any other physique she had seen in existence.

It was like a great vessel that could devour all power and convert it into strength without wastage. As such, Vaan's sheer physical strength had already surpassed the known limits granted to men.

Without the enhancement of aura, the physical strength of Aura Masters was limited.

However, Vaan didn't seem to have a limit on the growth of his physical strength. If he could train his physical strength and aura to the extreme, even she could not imagine how powerful he would become.

Astoria suddenly had a vague sense of a greater force at work.