Perceiving the Fire Law

Vaan gradually learned Ruby was indeed a female Fire Spirit. Even so, Ruby was just happy to be given any True Name at all.

After all, Name Bestowal allowed her to raise a rank.



Third Spirit: Ruby (Named Spirit) (Fire Spirit)

True Name: Ruby

Nickname: Ru

Given Name: Rubena

Spirit Rank: Peak-Low Rank → Early-Mid Rank ( Low-level Rank 3 equivalent)

Unique Talent: Unknown (Unawakened)

Contracted Magic 1: [Telepathy (You can commute with other fire spirits)]

Contracted Magic 2: [Fire Manipulation (Power Limit: Low-level Rank 2 (One rank lower than contracted spirit))]

Contracted Magic 3 (New): [Fire Transference (Effect: 10% excess fire damage will be transferred to the contracted spirit)]

Mana Capacity: 220/255


"Fyuu, fyuu~!" Ruby flapped her tiny wings excitedly.