Disrespect & Humiliation

"Difficulties? What difficulties could you, a High Witch, possibly have?" Aeliana snorted, giving Beth a chance to explain herself.

"Lady Solana offended too many merchants and witches. We couldn't meet her without offending all of them as well. Thus, we could only express our intentions to meet through a letter," Beth explained.

However, her explanation didn't appease Aeliana in the least. On the contrary, it only served to fuel her anger.

"Such nonsense," Aeliana spat condescendingly as the cold light in her eyes intensified. "A High Witch would fear offending a group of Senior Witches? Do you think I am a fool?! Just be straight with it and say you'd rather offend my mother than offend all those merchants!"

"Lady Dahlia almost lost her life after leaving to purchase materials elsewhere, yet you had the audacity to call my mother out to meet you despite the dangers. That's no different from wishing for my mother's death!" Aeliana glared murderously.