Helia's Appearance

After another day went by, the second six-hundred-foot building was completed.

Then, Vaan left the rest of the work to Astoria and the more skilled artificers as they built a magic tower-like spire on top and enchanted the whole building.

Ultimately, the second building reached a grand height of seven hundred and fifty feet, a whole hundred and fifty feet taller than the last completed building project.

Nevertheless, they were still minor projects compared to the ten-thousand-foot tower Vaan planned to build. Even so, the minor projects were necessary for enriching Sunpeak Town and speeding up its development.

Only after developing Sunpeak Town could they focus on the ten-thousand-foot tower project.

After all, there was no point rushing the ten-thousand-foot tower project if its surrounding land was underdeveloped.

The crowd eventually dispersed from the central town area with emotional sighs. Unexpectedly, they had wasted a whole day watching the construction.