Arderlard's Call

Equinox City, Salazar's castle

Inside the secret chamber underneath the castle, Ulrich Salazar contacted his subordinates for an update on the central region's situation.

However, they failed to provide anything useful in the past several days.

"What do you mean you still don't know what's happening in Sunpeak Town?! I've given you several days to find out already! How hard is it to do a single task?! Are you not a Rank 5 powerhouse?!"

Ulrich cursed through the communicator after he lost his patience.

He had been seeking an update every day, and each time he checked, he would become more disappointed than the last.

"I'm sorry for my incompetence, Your Excellency," Death Blade apologized on the other side of the communicator.

"Naturally, it's impossible for over a hundred of our members to disappear overnight without a single trace while carrying out their mission in Sunpeak Town. In fact, this subordinate believes many people inside Sunpeak Town know what happened to them."