Lillias's Night

Back in the private library, Vaan continued reading through the books one after the other, absorbing everything they had to offer. Although the contents were mostly recurring knowledge he had already learned from other books, there were also a few exceptions.

For example, Black Bristleback Bears were known to be commonly found in the outer regions of the Great Ashfallen Forest. A fully grown Black Bristleback Bear generally had the strength of a High-level Rank 2 to Low-level Rank 3.

However, one of the books recorded encountering a Low-level Rank 4 a little past the boundary of Gehenna's Gate in the Great Ashfallen Forest.

After Vaan cross-referenced with his existing knowledge, it was clear that the deeper one ventured into the Great Ashfallen Forest, the stronger the beasts they would encounter.

It was common knowledge that beasts were more physically endowed than humans. Thus, without training, beasts were stronger than humans.