The Divine Black Mountain

Imperial Capital, Black Mountain

Within the sea of buildings that were part of the imperial capital, a huge plot of land was left undeveloped due to the mountain of black iron at its center, standing out like a sore thumb. A three-hundred-foot-high wall of stone and wood also surrounded the region, barring entry to all without special passes and authority.

Although the wall did not seem all that durable, it was enchanted with countless magical spells and arrays. Whether it was defensive, detection, or offensive spells and arrays, the wall possessed a variety of each category.

Clearly, the Great Ratholos Empire placed the highest importance on the Black Mountain, and its security couldn't be any higher than this.

The number of people who could enter the vicinity of the Black Mountain was few, and those who could stay on it were even fewer. Moreover, depending on their wealth and privilege, they could only stay for a fixed amount of time.