Master of Illusions

"And how dare you call it a small matter! You have no idea what you took from me! But don't worry; what you took from me, I will take back from you in equal value!" Hecate venomously swore.


Shortly after Hecate spoke, Abaddon blocked a sudden moonlight slash from his blind spot. At the same time, Hecate's figure in front of him faded away.

Cling! Cling! Clang!

Abaddon fused the power of his Blood Law and Shadow Law and created a set of black blood armor to protect himself from Hecate's barrage of moonlight slashes from different directions.

Each strike targeted Abaddon's vitals and chipped away at his black blood armor, letting him know Hecate was completely serious.

As Hecate continued chipping away Abaddon's black blood armor with her moonlight slashes, Abaddon remained defensive, helpless to fight back—not because he couldn't, but because he failed to lock onto Hecate.