Hecate's Arrival

As Hecate rushed to Evernight Territory's Vladigold City, she couldn't help but imagine the worst outcome for Vaan and Pangea.

After all, a lot could happen in half an hour.

Given the strength of Abaddon and his remaining Vampire Lords, it would only take an instant to reduce entire human cities to rubble. There was too big a difference between the two sides.

As such, she didn't see how Vaan's side could resist Abaddon's invasion unless she arrived in time.

However, she was also aware that she would undoubtedly arrive late, given the enormous distance she had to travel to reach her destination and the short notice she received.

Gehenna was considered a single realm, but it comprised seven habitable planets and two dead planets, all interconnected by countless transference arrays—such that even the weakest of existences could freely travel between them.