Dynamic Trio

Shortly after, Hecate shifted her attention to the Dreamcatchers, asking, "I need three of you to stay back and guard Sir Vaan's safety with your life. Any volunteers?"

"Those who volunteer will be exempted from punishment when we return," Hecate stated.

Surprisingly, none of the nine Dreamcatchers were really to volunteer.

"Mistress, I'd rather return to the territory and cultivate—Er, I mean accept my punishment," Fourth Dream voiced shyly.

"Same here, Mistress. This place is not as good as home," Ninth Dream chimed as her gaze wandered around.

Although much of the area had collapsed from battles, she could see that the buildings in the distance weren't as developed or visually appealing. The same would undoubtedly apply to other things.

How could she enjoy staying in an underdeveloped world?

"I bet the food here wouldn't be great either, Mistress. I prefer to go home," the gluttonous Seventh Dream added after careful consideration.