Visiting Battle God District

After Vaan returned to the marquisate estate's inner courtyard, he did not immediately deal with the nobles. Instead, he only informed the Knights and soldiers of his temporary departure.

Afterward, he immediately returned to Sunpeak City via spatial shift.

At that moment, Sunpeak City was still in a state of incredulity after the initial attack. Everyone thought a difficult and gruesome battle awaited them, but no one even got a chance to participate before the fight ended.

It was such a spectacular one-sided victory that it felt like a dream.

After all, the Celestial Kingdom was unbelievably strong. Yet, their side appeared to be even stronger. No, it was Vaan, who did not seem like Vaan, who did all the work.

Astoria even felt pained in heart.

She had met Vaan not long ago, but the one who appeared over Sunpeak Peak seemed completely in aura and cultivation. Such a Vaan was so different that it greatly surprised her.